Root Google Nexus 7 3G/WiFi on Android 4.3 Jelly Bean (all firmwares)

Nexus 7 3G/WiFi model can now be rooted if you’ve already updated it to Android 4.3 Jelly Bean firmware (all of the ones that have already emerged). In case your tablet is just like that, you should follow our guide and get CF-Auto-Root on it with its help.

The rooting firmware we included in our tutorial is, as expected, released by a member on XDA Developers forum. Which means that your gadget is able to take complete advantage of every single features, option and whatnot contained by the CF-Auto-Root firmware. The latter comes with two other nifty things:

  • APK;
  • SuperSU binary.


Below are the pre-requisites we want to give to you before you learn how to root your Asus Nexus 7:

  • charge the battery that your gadget uses to function;
  • make a backup (or many more if that’s what you want);
  • flash, on the laptop, those USB drivers which are created for the particular model of tablet you have;
  • Use the 3G/WiFi mode of Google Nexus 7 for the guide;
  • turn on USB Debugging by locating “Menu“, opting for “Settings“, choosing “Development” and looking for the mode we mentioned;
  • only use, for this tutorial, the carrier and factory unlocked tablet.

After you are done with the guide, the gadget is not going to boast its warranty anymore. That is why we urge you to unroot your device once you are done with this tutorial and the warranty will come back


  1. The next part marks the beginning of the guide. Here you go: the CF-Auto-Root can be flashed on your tablet if you first download the following files on your notebook:
    – CF-auto-Root (download the file for / ) file name :;
    – Android SDK (to quickly find it: it’s on ).
  2. The second file has many important things in it; drivers for a successful connection between your tablet and your laptop later on are some of them.
  3. Now that your PC contains these two packages which are compulsory for the rooting, you should continue the guide by unzipping the CF-Auto-Root only.
  4. Next task to be performed: turn your Asus Nexus 7 3G/Wi-Fi off and then make it reach Fastboot Mode by following the guidelines below:
    – press + simultaneously hold Volume Down, Volume Up and Power;
    – wait for the Fastboot Mode to be booted into by your tablet.
  5. After the above has been achieved, you will be asked to plug your tablet, with its USB cable, to your personal comp and then have patience; the OS on your laptop is going to begin the flashing of the appropriate drivers.
  6. Then, after that task has been completed, you should go to the CF-Auto-Root file. Then run some commands that are shown in the following paragraph:
    Windows users:
    Run root-windows.bat
    Linux users:
    chmod +x

    Mac OS X users:
    chmod +x
  7. [sc name=”banner-jos”]Once those commands are performed, some instructions shall soon pop on the screen. Follow them and they will help your gadget gain root access. The Google Nexus 7 will afterwards boot into Normal Mode and you will be given free hand to unplug the tablet from your notebook.
  8. Your updated Jelly Bean 4.3 tablet is now running that rooting firmware. To check if this is true or not: there should be an app labelled as SuperSU in your tablet’s app list. Root Checker app located in Google Play is a way to make sure the rooting is effective.